This report presents results from the project TRansparent Underground STructure – Management (TRUST 1) which ran from 2013 to 2017. TRUST 1 was an umbrella project, which together with seven separate research projects formed the TRUST alliance, a unique infrastructure collaboration with Swedish and international partners. 

TRUST aimed at developing methods and tools for underground construction in an urban environment with LCC perspectives. It was the first integrated collaboration with researchers from the Swedish Universities of the Built Environment (SBU), Uppsala University and specialists from the industry and authorities, and also included international partners.

TRUST 1 has two main aims, to (1) coordinate the sub-projects and communicate the results from the TRUST alliance, and (2) support innovation and implementation through creative collaboration and utilization. The focus of this report is to present the results from Aim 1 of the project. This report is published by both BeFo and SBUF.

The results from Aim 2 of the project have been presented in BeFo report 183 by Kadefors, Olofsson, Ask (2019)


Per Tengborg