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Utilizing the “third dimension” i.e. underground space for infrastructural facilities like traffic
tunnels, miscellaneous municipal facilities, energy plants and different types of storage has
been a natural choice in the development of the Nordic countries for a long time. For an even
longer period of time, the mines have brought welfare and work opportunities to our society.
Understanding of rock mechanics is vital and plays an important part in this development.
Rock mechanics is an acknowledged science and well proven from projects and mines.
However, challenges to increase efficiency and safety in our operations calls for a continued
open discussion and exchange of ideas within our field of expertise. That is why we gather
once more after the first meeting “Rock mechanics in the Nordic countries” year 2010 in
Kongsberg, Norway.
This second rock mechanical symposium consists of oral and poster presentations together
with a Professional Discussion within the areas of research, current state of practice and
case histories.
The work of carrying this year’s symposium was managed by the Rock Engineering
Research Foundation – BeFo in Sweden together with the Organising & Scientific Committee
and Advisory Committee consisting of dedicated people from companies and academia to
make this symposium a memorable event.
We wish that the symposium will lead to fruitful discussions and up-coming ideas. The
contributors being authors of articles published within this proceeding are highly
acknowledged. Without high-level articles the symposium would not have taken place. A
special welcome is directed to the students that have found that the symposium can give
them guidance in their work opportunities to come.
Ulf Lindblom, Member Scientific Committee & Per Tengborg Chairman/Research Director BeFo
Proceedings – 2nd Nordic Rock Engineering Symposium
Eva Friedman (Red.)
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