This report presents one of the first projects in which AI has been specified for geoengineering application on the bedrock and groundwater surface modelling. The given automated procedure and uncertainty quantification approach using AI techniques offer tremendous potential for geo-related industries and big data analyses. This can lead the AI users to more efficient and reliable production and hence more flexible models. Obviously, the AI is impacting the future of virtually every industry and every human being. It may even become the language of daily life in the future as the main driver of emerging technologies like big data, robotics, automation etc. The project results show good results and promise a very interesting future.

Additional to the authors the following co-workers from Tyréns made valuable contributions to the project: Emma Zäll, Jennifer Wänseth, Olof Friberg, Lars Marklund, Beatriz Machado, Maria Duvaldt, and Ida Samuelsson.

Reference group members who provided valuable comments and suggestions was composed of Per Tengborg (BeFo), Robert Sturk (Skanska), Torleif Dahlin (LTH), Olle Båtelsson (Trafikverket), Mats Svensson and Rikard Gothäll (Tyréns), Alireza Malehmir, (Uppsala University), Diego Mas Ivars (SKB), Paul Evins (WSP), and Fardad Maghsoudi Moud (Twente University, Netherlands). The report was reviewed by the reference group members and additionally by external scientist, Dr. Mohammad Khorsand Zak from the Islamic Azad University, Iran. An expert in the field of computational mathematics and soft computing approaches.

The project was co-funded with BIG (Branschsamverkan I Grunden), Tyréns, and KTH.

Stockholm 2022

Patrik Vidstrand