The main aim of this work has been to evaluate and measure the effectiveness of different potential hydrophobic admixtures in fresh concrete in order to increase the durability of the hardened product. This addition in the fresh concrete would negate the need to apply a protective coating in concrete structures subjected to harsh environments. The depth of penetration and the durability of the externally treated concrete surfaces would subsequently not be an issue.

This study showed that the interactions at the surface and further in at depths, where rebar is placed, can be significantly altered with the use of additives. Some of the bulk hydrophobic concretes investigated had sufficient reduction in water absorption and could potentially be applied in a Nordic infrastructural environment.

The research was conducted at RISE in cooperation with KTH and led by Jan Trägårdh and later Patrick Rogers. The research project was supported by a reference group Staffan Carlström (Swerock), Pär Fjellström (Besab), Behnam Dalili (Trafikverket), Iad Saleh (NCC) and BeFo (Per Tengborg).

The work has been co-financed with SBUF, Trafikverket, Energiforsk, Cementa, KTH and RISE.


Patrik Vidstrand