Sealing of tunnels and caverns is an important, time-consuming and costly task
when going underground. The increasing concern for the environment is
leading to tighter restrictions regarding acceptable leakage, and the need for
better sealing techniques is obvious. Claims and technical failures manifest the
complexity of the problem. To further benefit from the advantages of putting
essential functions underground, the technology for grouting has to be
Research cannot on its own give the solutions on how to get the rock watertight.
Research can present tools and understanding. The real advances, however, will
be achieved when results are put into practise in the field.
By virtue of its long-term commitment to the issue, SveBeFo is now hosting the
fourth Nordic Rock Grouting Symposium, which is held in Stockholm. Earlier
meetings have been held in Gothenburginl992, Trondheim in L995 and
Helsinki ín1998. The aim of this fourth symposium is to provide an
opportunity for researchers, those with experience from grouting contracts and
others otherwise engaged in grouting, to meet and exchange knowledge and
The planning and prograrnme was made in collaboration with the Department
of Geology at Chalmers University of Technology and the Division of Soil and
Rock Mechanics at the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH. Papers were
contributed from researchers, manufacturers and practitioners in Finland,
Norway and Sweden. We wish to thank everybody for their time and effort.
It is our hope that this symposium will contribute to a greater and more
widespread knowledge and better practise in the field of rock grouting. We also
hope that those, who could not attend the meeting in Stockholm, will find this
documentation useful.
Ann Emmelin
SveBeFo, Swedish Rock Engineering Research