When we plan and build structures below or above ground, search for suitable places
for wells, or remediate contaminated areas, we need good and reliable information
about the ground below. Incorrect or incomplete information about the subsurface can
lead to unexpected problems. These problems can in turn lead to delays and reduced
sustainability in the implementations. This report addresses how we can develop and
improve the use of electrical current to investigate the subsurface.
This report is based on a doctoral thesis from Lund University and the work has mainly
been performed by Per-Ivar Olsson, with advice and support from Torleif Dahlin,
Gianluca Fiandaca and Esben Auken along with the participants of the reference group
Nils Outters, Thomas Sträng, Roger Wisén, Christel Carlsson, Lars O. Ericsson, Malin
Norin, Staffan Hintze, Andreas Pfaffhuber and Per Tengborg.
The project was financed by Formas, SBUF, Lund university, Hakon Hansson
Foundation and BeFo.
Patrik Vidstrand